Local Economy: Present Demographics & Facts about Melrose Park
- Population: 23,171 (2000 Census)
- Date of City Incorporation: September 11, 1882
- Land area: 342.74 acres
- Township: Proviso
- Total number of families: 7,631 (2000 census)
- Families with children under age 18: 24% (2000 census)
- Median age: 30.6 years (2000 census)
- Percentage population over 65: 10.9% (2000 census)
- Median educational attainment: Some college, no degree: 18.2% (2000 census)
- Median family income: $40,689 (1999)
- Per capita income: $16,206 (1999)
Click here to obtain the 2000 census information for the Village of Melrose Park. This document is in Adobe Acrobat® PDF (Portable Document Format). You need Adobe's Acrobat Reader to view this document (see right column).