Contact Numbers

January Calendar

Website Help


Local Economy

The Local Economy page contains present demographics and facts about Melrose Park, including a downloadable document of the 2000 Census.

Home & Property

The Home & Property page includes information on village requirements for residential occupancies, block parties, burning leaves and trash, cooling and warming centers, garage sales, and waste removal.

Education & Resources

Though the Community section does not currently provide in-depth information about Melrose Park's educational resources, please visit Contact Numbers for contact information concerning Schools and the Library.

Houses of Worship

The Houses of Worship page contains links to the many places of worship throughout Melrose Park.

Senior Citizen Services

Our Senior Citizen Services page provides information about the Melrose Park Senior Commission, our Senior Center, senior clubs, and other helpful senior services.

Clubs & Organizations

Want to find people with common interests, or help out in the community? We'd love to have you! Visit the Clubs & Organizations page to get information on Melrose Park's many opportunities.

Parks & Recreation

As of now this section only concerns the Ralph "Babe" Serpico Memorial Field, but we hope to provide more information about our parks and recreational facilities in the future.

Please also visit the Parks & Recreation section of our Contact Numbers page for a list of parks, pools and other activities to enjoy in Melrose Park.


Looking for a fun night out? The Entertainment page will keep tabs on what's fun in Melrose Park!


The Transportation page provides a helpful look into local options, such as Dial-A-Ride, the Melrose Park MiniBus, MD Transportation, and other nearby bus services, trains and airports.